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Sprint Webinar – Ultimate Impostrip® 2022 Scalable & Job Manager


As manufacturers are building faster and more automated presses and finding labour is becoming more difficult than ever, print providers are turning increasingly to end-to-end workflow automation to be able to increase their production throughput with a minimum of manual touchpoints. Having this completely automated prepress workflow translates into a continuous flow of jobs entering the production pipeline that needs to be imposed and sent to the press as quickly as possible. The question is: What happens to the incoming jobs when the imposition solution software is busy processing a big job order?

At Ultimate, we understand output speed is crucial for print providers across the globe. The latest version of our imposition solution software, Ultimate Impostrip® 2022, is pushing the barriers of speed, getting files ready to print in a matter of seconds, and continuously feeding the presses no matter the complexity or the size of your input PDF files. Get ready to rethink what you thought was possible in terms of imposition. Sit back and experience the power of true automation and speed beyond anything you ever imagined. With incredible performance, Ultimate Impostrip® 2022 is not a new version of our flagship software — it’s another level entirely.

For existing users, this version marks the end of the transition of functionality from the old ‘legacy’ Ultimate Impostrip® to the new ‘next generation’ Ultimate Impostrip® by literally taking our most versatile, do-it-all imposition solution into another dimension.

During this 15-minute session, our experts will cover:

  • Enhanced job tracking capabilities with powerful status API 
  • Job Manager for smart distribution and management of incoming jobs
  • Multiple signature server environment to reach high speed imposition times
  • 64bit software for best-in-class solution for variable data printing (VDP)
  • Hybrid environment enabler with smart tools for digital, offset and wide format printing
  • Intuitive user interface designed for rookies in the printing industry
  • Easy connectivity to any upstream and downstream systems with unique no-coding-needed tools like the XML for Redirection, Universal Mapper and UICL
  • Out-of-the-box migration process from the Legacy version of Ultimate Impostrip® to the latest version
  • Much more!

If you are a transactional, direct mail, book or commercial printer, this webinar is for you! It is time to build a workflow that can handle the growth of your business, no matter the new SKUs, print or finishing equipment or software solution added to your production. Future-proofing your business is possible and it starts by attending this webinar.


Ultimate Impostrip® 2022 Scalable & Job Manager

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About the Sprint Webinar Series

In the Sprint Webinar Series, the Ultimate Team reveal how to impose and print in less time, with 15 minutes set on a timer. No introduction. No conclusion. Just a webinar with highly concentrated information that goes right to the point. Every session will focus on one specific aspect of our imposition automation software solution that can help you save time in prepress and increase your productivity in your digital printing facility.

To watch the recording of the first Sprint webinar on our new AI-driven Imposition Agent, click here!

To watch the recording of the second Sprint webinar on AutoFlow Ganging Optimization, click here!

To watch the recording of the third Sprint webinar on Dynamic Impositions, click here!

To watch the recording of the fourth Sprint webinar on Marks, click here!

To watch the recording of the fifth Sprint webinar on Barcodes, click here!

To watch the recording of the sixth Sprint webinar on Dutch Cut Layouts, click here!

To watch the recording of the seventh Sprint webinar on Imposition Agent Vs AutoFlow, click here!

To watch the recording of the eighth Sprint webinar on Impostrip® Must, click here!

To watch the recording of the ninth Sprint webinar on Peak Season Booster, click here!

To watch the recording of the tenth Sprint webinar on What’s New in Ultimate Impostrip® 2021, click here!

To watch the recording of the eleventh Sprint webinar on Skillful Booklet Automation, click here!

To watch the recording of the twelfth Sprint webinar on Rookie-Proofing your productivity, click here

  • Ultimate Impostrip
  • Ultimate Impostrip Scalable
  • Cards
  • Commercial Printing
  • Direct Mail & Transactional
  • Inkjet Printing
  • On Demand Books
  • Photo Specialty
  • Variable Booklets