Contact us to get the recording of the Sprint webinar on Dutch Cut Layouts – fill the form below.
Dutch Cut Layouts represent a type of layout with an odd number of pages placed in different directions. Many print service providers use this technique to save on resources such as paper and ink. For example, ProList prints 5 legal-size letters on every B2 sheet that goes through their digital printer. By using Dutch Cut layouts, they save 20% on paper waste, everyday!
Ultimate Impostrip® allows you to seamlessly create Dutch Cut layouts using the new Dutch Cut Template Editor. No need for manual adjustments or calculations! The software does all the hard work for you, and automatically impose your orders without any human intervention.
Join us for our sixth Sprint Webinar on Dutch Cut layouts as we show you how to impose your flat work in the most optimal way by using Dutch Cut layouts. During this 15-minute session, our experts will quickly show you:
- Why is it called a Dutch Cut layout?
- Create Dutch Cut layouts;
- Number the pages automatically;
- Make adjustments on gutters and margins;
- Automate imposition with Hot Folders and XML connectivity;
- Maximize productivity and profitability.
If you are a transactional, direct mail or commercial printer, this webinar is for you! To remain competitive in your market, you must maximize efficiencies in every area of your print production. Let’s start by eliminating unnecessary waste with an easy future-proofed solution to put in place: Dutch Cut layouts.
About the Sprint Webinar Series
In the Sprint Webinar Series, the Ultimate Team reveal how to impose and print in less time, with 15 minutes set on a timer. No introduction. No conclusion. Just a webinar with highly concentrated information that goes right to the point. Every session will focus on one specific aspect of our imposition automation software solution that can help you save time in prepress and increase your productivity in your digital printing facility.
To watch the recording of the first Sprint webinar on our new AI-driven Imposition Agent, click here!
To watch the recording of the second Sprint webinar on AutoFlow Ganging Optimization, click here!
To watch the recording of the third Sprint webinar on Dynamic Impositions, click here!
To watch the recording of the fourth Sprint webinar on Marks, click here!
To watch the recording of the fifth Sprint webinar on Barcodes, click here!