Ultimate Content

Sprint Webinar: « Rookie-Proofing » your Productivity


Contact us to get the recording of our Sprint webinar – or fill in the form below

The labour shortage that took off during the pandemic is far from over. Print business owners are struggling to not only find specialized workers, but any employee whatsoever.

At Ultimate, we understand printers have no choice but to recruit people with minimal or inexistent programming skills. They might even have no knowledge nor experience in printing at all. Enters Ultimate Impostrip®: a true game-changer that opens the door to democratizing imposition automation for everyone.

Lights out automation can be achieved without API or XML integrations, allowing printers to get anybody ready to impose jobs right away– someone off the streets as a new hire, prepress worker, intern, owner’s daughter, …

Watching this 15-minute recording will give you a quick look on how to automatically generate your impositions using the most flexible solution in imposition automation programming on the market today.


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About the Sprint Webinar Series

In the Sprint Webinar Series, the Ultimate Team reveal how to impose and print in less time, with 15 minutes set on a timer. No introduction. No conclusion. Just a webinar with highly concentrated information that goes right to the point. Every session will focus on one specific aspect of our imposition automation software solution that can help you save time in prepress and increase your productivity in your digital printing facility.

To watch the recording of the first Sprint webinar on our new AI-driven Imposition Agent, click here!

To watch the recording of the second Sprint webinar on AutoFlow Ganging Optimization, click here!

To watch the recording of the third Sprint webinar on Dynamic Impositions, click here!

To watch the recording of the fourth Sprint webinar on Marks, click here!

To watch the recording of the fifth Sprint webinar on Barcodes, click here!

To watch the recording of the sixth Sprint webinar on Dutch Cut Layouts, click here!

To watch the recording of the seventh Sprint webinar on Imposition Agent Vs AutoFlow, click here!

To watch the recording of the eighth Sprint webinar on Impostrip® Must, click here!

To watch the recording of the ninth Sprint webinar on Peak Season Booster, click here!

To watch the recording of the tenth Sprint webinar on What’s New in Ultimate Impostrip® 2021 , click here!

To watch the recording of the eleventh Sprint webinar on Skillful Booklet Automation , click here!

  • Ultimate Impostrip
  • Ultimate Impostrip Automation
  • Ultimate Impostrip Must
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro Nesting
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro Offset
  • Ultimate Impostrip Scalable
  • Cards
  • Commercial Printing
  • Digital Packaging
  • Direct Mail & Transactional
  • Inkjet Printing
  • Label Printing
  • Offset Printing
  • On Demand Books
  • Photo Specialty
  • Variable Booklets
  • Wide Format