According to Fortune Business Insights™, the global photobook and album market size was valued at USD 3.36 billion in 2021 and USD 3.41 billion in 2022. January sales is estimated at USD 330 million. The average photobook costs USD 33.00 so 10 million photobooks will be printed in January.
This does not include photo prints.
What do you do to get and keep your share of the market? How do you make sure to get as many jobs out of the door as possible every day?
Ultimate Impostrip® can help increase your productivity for your photo and photoprint production by reaching high imposition speed, maximizing coverage on high quality paper to reduce waste of expensive resources and help you maximize your time and profit.
Request and watch our 15-minute webinar to learn how to:
- Handle a high volume of JPEG files and streaming photo content
- Produce many different titles together
- Create full flexibility in the creation of marks
- Automate finishing equipment
- And more
If you are a Web-to-Print photo album printer, a print service provider who produces photo prints and photobooks or anyone looking to reduce costs, increase profitability and automate all processes for photo and photobook print market, this webinar is for you!
Optimizing Photo and Photobook Printing
Contact - Marketing & Sales
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About the Sprint Webinar Series
In the Sprint Webinar Series, the Ultimate Team reveal how to impose and print in less time, with 15 minutes set on a timer. No introduction. No conclusion. Just a webinar with highly concentrated information that goes right to the point. Every session will focus on one specific aspect of our imposition automation software solution that can help you save time in prepress and increase your productivity in your digital printing facility.
To watch the recording of the first Sprint webinar on our new AI-driven Imposition Agent, click here!
To watch the recording of the second Sprint webinar on AutoFlow Ganging Optimization, click here!
To watch the recording of the third Sprint webinar on Dynamic Impositions, click here!
To watch the recording of the fourth Sprint webinar on Marks, click here!
To watch the recording of the fifth Sprint webinar on Barcodes, click here!
To watch the recording of the sixth Sprint webinar on Dutch Cut Layouts, click here!
To watch the recording of the seventh Sprint webinar on Imposition Agent Vs AutoFlow, click here!
To watch the recording of the eighth Sprint webinar on Impostrip® Must, click here!
To watch the recording of the ninth Sprint webinar on Peak Season Booster, click here!
To watch the recording of the tenth Sprint webinar on What’s New in Ultimate Impostrip® 2021, click here!
To watch the recording of the eleventh Sprint webinar on Skillful Booklet Automation, click here!
To watch the recording of the twelfth Sprint webinar on Rookie-Proofing your productivity, click here
To watch the recording of the thirteenth Sprint webinar on Ultimate Impostrip® 2022 Scalable & Job Manager, click here
To watch the recording of the fourteenth Sprint webinar on What’s New in Ultimate Impostrip® 2022.2, click here
To watch the recording of the fifteenth Sprint webinar on Driving Dynamic Impositions with UICL.XML, click here