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Press release

Press release: Ultimate Impostrip 2023.1

Impostrip 2023
Ultimate Impostrip 2023: Raising the Bar to Superboost Your Productivity

Montreal, Canada. February 23rd 2023, Ultimate TechnoGraphics Inc, the leader in imposition and finishing automation software, is pleased to announce Ultimate Impostrip® 2023, an exciting new major version release which will be previewed for the first time at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2023 in Lucerne, Switzerland and released shortly afterwards. 

Ultimate Impostrip® 2023 delivers performance enhancing capability to enable customers to superboost their productivity. This version delivers more power and speed and showcases ground-breaking innovation from Ultimate. 

When Ultimate benchmarked its cutting edge Impostrip Scalable back in 2010, it announced the ability to produce 100,000 pages in under 10 minutes*. At the time this was true innovation in imposition software processing. But as technology has improved and the demands of high-speed printing devices have increased, it was time to rethink that benchmark and raise the bar. 

Today, using the 2023 Ultimate Impostrip® version, the same files can be processed at much improved speed of 1,000,000 pages in a time of under 5 minutes, a 1900% increase in output speed. These tests were made with the same software configuration and similar hardware configuration other than the use of SSD hard drives instead of RAID hard drives.**  

Ultimate Impostrip® Scalable 2023 is now available on both Mac Intel and Mac ARM – M1 and M2 – a step forward towards complete cross-platform accessibility, and a significant milestone towards a potential future Linux version. 

Ultimate Impostrip® 2023 also delivers a brand-new productivity booster called Ultimate BetterPDF®. This additional module for Ultimate Impostrip® Scalable has been developed as a solution to the common customer challenge of problematic, deficient PDF files that can become a bottleneck to the imposition and ripping process. Such files reduce production output speed, or sometimes do not output or print at all. These files are typically very large in size or pagination and may have inherent issues that are not always detectable that can choke any press. With Ultimate BetterPDF®, PDF files are re-engineered to the specific requirements of the target output device via a series of user-defined options that can remove those issues and improve output performance.  

Ultimate Impostrip® 2023 has a host of additional customer requested features and improvements to enhance automation and functionality. Ganging and Nesting can now be completely driven by an XML Job Ticket using XML for Redirection. Marks usage becomes more flexible with the ability to link a Marks Profile to a dynamic layout, Color Separations for working with digital embellishment and Processing steps are improved and there are many more improvements and additions that will benefit our customers in their daily production challenges. 

Visitors to Hunkeler Innovationdays 2023 can learn more about Ultimate Impostrip® 2023 and how it could benefit their production workflow by visiting the Ultimate TechnoGraphics booth in Hall 1. Visitors can pre-book appointments using this online form here.


*Reference: https://ultimate-tech.com/press-release/100000-pages-less-10-ultimate-launches-worlds-fastest-imposition-software-graphexpo/
**Tests were made on more modern hardware with similar configurations.



About Ultimate TechnoGraphics (www.imposition.com) 

Automation drives results in printing. This is the foundation of all our software development and today, Print Service Providers worldwide benefit from increased productivity in a digital and hybrid environment. Ultimate TechnoGraphics invented digital imposition with the first release of Ultimate Impostrip® in1989, and today Ultimate is a leader in imposition and finishing automation software solutions. The company has a rich history of providing and integrating imposition technologies into hardware and software workflow solutions for print industry leaders. 

  • Ultimate Impostrip
  • Ultimate Impostrip Automation
  • Ultimate Impostrip Must
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro Nesting
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro Offset
  • Ultimate Impostrip Scalable
  • Commercial Printing
  • Direct Mail & Transactional
  • Inkjet Printing
  • On Demand Books
  • Photo Specialty
  • Variable Booklets
  • Wide Format