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Maximize your Photos and Photo Books Print Production

Ultimate TechnoGraphics Webinar Maximize your Photos and Photo Books print production

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In a world of smartphones and social media, the growth in the number of photos taken each year is exponential, and the photo products demand follows this trend. Producing these products requires an efficient production workflow in order to reduce waste of ink and paper and be profitable. Do you think you can improve the way you produce print photos, photo books, yearbooks, calendars and all kind of photo products? 

Join us for our next webinar on Thursday, February 21st EST as the Ultimate Experts will demonstrate how to maximize your photos and photo books print production with Ultimate Impostrip® and Ultimate Bindery®.

In this 1-hour session, we will tell you all about:

– High-volume photo streaming and batching,
– Back-side printing for order & photo tracking,
– Automated JPEG & rotation or use PDF workflow

Attending the live session of the webinar gives you a privileged access. Ask all your questions related to Photo and Photo Books printing to our Ultimate Experts in the webinar session on Thursday, February 21st.

If you are a web2print photo album printer, photo lab, central print facility serving photo kiosks or even a print service provider who prints photos and photo books, this webinar is for you.

Maximize your Photos and Photo Books Print Production

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  • Ultimate Impostrip
  • Photo Specialty