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Why Imposition is Key to Scaling your Personalised Photo Print Business

Ultimate TechnoGraphics Taopix Why Imposition is key to scaling your personalised photo print business

Article ”Why Imposition is Key to Scaling your Personalised Photo Print Business” written by Tessa Du Plooy, Head of Marketing at Taopix

In an effort to continually bring innovation to our customers, Taopix have partnered with Ultimate TechnoGraphics to bring a seamless integration of these two leading platforms. This cutting edge, comprehensive solution combines the Taopix creator, designer, control centre and production client with the most versatile and powerful imposition software on the market today. In today’s article, we will take a look at why Imposition is the key to scaling your personalised photo print business.

Manual job management isn’t scalable

As the saying goes, “time is money” and with print on demand photo products already being a competitive market, trying to manage these print jobs manually is not a viable option. In order to scale your business, automation is a non-negotiable process. With a reliable software like  Ultimate Impostrip® you are able to automate your imposition workflow to streamline your production from order entry to print. Having a connected workflow saves you time and requires virtually no manual intervention, with imposition software it’s like having an entire workforce at your fingertips.

Job-tracking maximises profits through efficiency

As someone who worked in the print industry for 16 years, I remember all too well running through the factory floor trying to find urgent print jobs. Thankfully, times have changed, and automated tracking is as easy as clicking a button with the right software. Implementing workflows for photobook and photo print production that make use of barcode tracking or banner sheets are key to scaling your photo print business. These barcodes or banner pages contain all the order information and can be customised to suit your requirements. By using automated job-tracking, you are able to track the progress of any given job and ensure that there are no delays in getting it completed and shipped to the customer, allowing you to maximise profits through efficiency.

Imposition Automation minimises waste

Trying to figure out how to produce short-run on demand print jobs in the most efficient way can be far more challenging than it sounds. You may end up having to wait for the “perfect fit job” before being able to go ahead with production. By using imposition software like Ultimate Impostrip®  there is no need to do manual nesting. The imposition software will use the best fit to minimise paper waste and gives you the ability to process multiple sized jobs on the same paper size. This eliminates the need for unnecessary paper changes and halting your production. Your photobook, calendar and photo print production will be optimised with virtually no waste, allowing you to operate your machines optimally.

I’m sure you will have noticed there is a theme running through the above points; automation, efficiency and minimising waste are integral to scaling your personalised photo print business.

If you are interested in finding out more about how Taopix’s partnership with  Ultimate TechnoGraphics will offer you a complete turnkey solution from the moment your customer lands on your website to the moment they receive their photobooks, calendars or photo prints register for our joint webinar on June 25th(10am EST / 3pm BST) here.

About Taopix

Taopix is the leading provider of whitelabel photo-gift and personalisation software. Our software will allow you to build, create, control, sell and produce any personalised photo-gift. Get in touch here to arrange your personalised demo: https://taopix.com/contact/

  • Ultimate Impostrip
  • Ultimate Impostrip Automation
  • Ultimate Impostrip Scalable
  • Commercial Printing
  • Inkjet Printing
  • On Demand Books
  • Photo Specialty