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Ultimate Impostrip® in Essential Software for Inkjet Printing Webinar

Ultimate TechnoGraphics Sponsored Webinar Inkjet Innovation Week Expertise on Inkjet Printing

Software drives inkjet printing performance from the inside out – from the operation of the inkjet device to performance optimization and workflow automation on the shop floor. Inkjet buyers must understand the role that software plays in performance and productivity to ensure that they have the best options configured with their solution and the opportunity to make the business case for software investment.

On Thursday, June 18 at 1pm EST, join Elizabeth Gooding of Inkjet Insight and Pat McGrew of McGrewGroup as they look at several categories of essential software and the innovations that are driving speed, performance, productivity and acceptance in new markets. This will include new product announcements and innovations in:

– RIP technology
– Color management
– Workflow automation

*** If you couldn’t join the live event, watch the recording here.

About Ultimate Impostrip®, Imposition Automation Software Solution

Imposition software automation at Ultimate means lights out, hands free, true reliable automation. If you are considering a digital print environment, a web-to-print business, increase in profitability, and if you simply want to do more with the same resources, automation is the answer. With the increasing demand for shorter runs and quicker turnaround times, you have to think differently about imposition and finishing, automation drives results.

Designed with productivity in mind, Ultimate Impostrip® Automation optimizes every aspect of your prepress imposition workflow with tools that are easy-to-use yet extremely versatile. In very little time, you can set up a link to your MIS, your online photo editing system or web ordering system. Perfect for very short turnaround delivery on marketing campaigns, transactional and short run of books.

  • Ultimate Impostrip
  • Ultimate Impostrip Automation
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro
  • Ultimate Impostrip Scalable
  • Cards
  • Commercial Printing
  • Direct Mail & Transactional
  • Inkjet Printing
  • On Demand Books
  • Photo Specialty
  • Variable Booklets