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Press release

Ultimate Bindery Selected Technology of the Year at Xplor 2015


Montreal, Canada, Thursday May 28th, 2015, Ultimate TechnoGraphics, http://ultimate-tech.com, leader in imposition and finishing automation software, is proud to receive Technology of the Year Award at Xploration® 15 for its Ultimate Bindery software, in Orlando Florida. The award was presented at a ceremony Tuesday April 14, 2015, during the Xploration® 15 event at the Wyndham Orlando Resort International Drive in Orlando, Florida.

Ultimate Bindery delivers great value to the print production chain. With innovation, Print Service Providers increase productivity, and with the automation of the finishing process they improve their bottom line, increase their competitiveness and turn short runs into a viable business strategy. With Ultimate Bindery, print service providers save on ink and paper by eliminating manual make-ready and random errors, as well as deliver consistent quality by standardizing job setup.

Ultimate Bindery is an automation tool that makes touch-less end-to-end workflow possible and profitable. Operators and managers can now define and manage JDF finishing flows and automate each bindery device, each operating a specific finishing transformation on a printed project, from any location. Setting up a perfect bound book, a saddle-stitched brochure or a set of multiple invitation orders ganged together on a guillotine from a workflow perspective is made easy. Ultimate Bindery v4 has 17 finishing machine JDF drivers allowing a check on the job before printing.

“We are quite excited to receive such recognition from Xplor 2015. We like problems because we like solving them in an innovative way”, says Joanne David, President of Ultimate TechnoGraphics. “With Ultimate Bindery we solve the bottleneck in finishing. Presses are extremely efficient, prepress is already automated, and now finishing and bindery is an integrated part of the entire automated workflow. Customers using Ultimate Bindery say they see great value in the solution and cannot do without.”

When Ultimate Bindery is combined with Impostrip Automation imposition software, customers can benefit from a fully reliable web-to-finish workflow, from reception of order, to a dynamic imposition, to an automated finishing workflow process, which is cost-effective and insures greater return on investment.

Ultimate TechnoGraphics’ software solutions are easy to use and easy to integrate to existing third party workflow software, print management systems, ERPs, B2B and B2C web-to-print systems as well as to any type of output device making them a vital piece of the print production workflow. Integrating its solutions doesn’t require extensive programming nor does it require advanced programming knowledge.

For more information about our software solutions and to request for a trial, please visit our website: http://ultimate-tech.com/en-us/Software

  • Ultimate Bindery