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Impostrip OnDemand Econo and Digital become Impostrip Econo+


Imposition Software for digital printing automation and ctp.

Ultimate TechnoGraphics is merging the following imposition software products: Impostrip OnDemand Digital and Impostrip OnDemand Econo. The sum of these two now becomes Impostrip Econo+. Impostrip Econo+ offers an impressive set of features making this the ultimate entry-level in imposition software with hot folder automation.

How does Impostrip Econo+ work?
Impostrip is an automation tool allowing users to optimize the post-design prepress imposition process. This process starts with a PDF file in a single pages and produces a new PDF file with imposed sheet layouts for printing including all the necessary print marks. Using Impostrip’s unique Dynamic Templates and Hot Folder automation, users can easily automate their imposition tasks without the need of previous imposition experience.

How much time can it save me?
From our customers’ testimonials, we conclude that you may save between 40 – 60 hours per week depending on the way you use this software. This time saved easily justifies the return on investment for Impostrip Econo+.

What are the features in Impostrip Econo+?
+ New! Banner Sheets (Windows version only)
+ New! Barcode (Windows version only)
+ Dynamic Hot Folder automation
+ Step & Repeat
+ Cut & Stack
+ Perfect Bound
+ Saddle Stitch
+ Repeating Booklets
+ Creep, Margins, Page Scaling, Bleed control
+ Print Marks
+ Origami Paper Folding
+ Template Builder
+ Best Fit magic
+ Dynamic Templates

  • Ultimate Impostrip
  • Ultimate Impostrip Pro